Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Open full professor position in differential geometry at the Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro

created by daniele on 16 Mar 2020

Deadline: 26 mar 2020

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Department of Mathematics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has opened a call for applications for the position of Full Professor (Professor Titular-Livre). Candidates with an excellent track record for research, teaching and supervision are warmly invited to apply.

The area of concentration for the position is DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY. Applications from candidates in all areas of differential geometry are very welcome.

If you know of someone that could be interested in the position, we kindly ask that you forward on this email.

As a position as a Brazilian public employee, the method of selection is by Concurso Público. This consists of the following steps, undertaken over approximately a week, at the university in Rio de Janeiro, at a date to be determined :
- written exam, of an expository nature on the topic of one or more research results of the candidate,
- a conference or research presentation, on one or more research results of the candidate,
- arguição de memorial, this is an interview in which the candidate explains their professional trajectory and research contributions, and defends and explains their memorial, this being a document describing the past, present and future research and professional activities.


The deadline for inscription in the concurso is 23h59 on 26/3/2020, via the website

This same website gives information on the deadline to pay the inscription fee, and will later give deadlines for when and how to submit supporting documentation including CV and Memorial.

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is a large public university situated in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Departments of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, two of the four departments of the Institute of Mathematics, together comprise of approximately 100 researchers. Research strengths within pure mathematics include PDE, dynamical systems, algebra and algebraic geometry and differential geometry. The post-graduate programme in mathematics is very active, and recently retained the CAPES Grade 7 rating (the maximum possible, given after evaluation by the ministry of education). If you have any questions regarding the position, the department or the concurso procedure, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following people.

Walcy Santos walcy(AT)
Maria Fernanda Elbert mariafernandaelbert(AT)
Graham Smith moriarty(AT)
Renato Vianna r0387843(AT)
Andrew Clarke andrew(AT)

Finally, please forward this message to anyone that may be interested.

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