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Postdoctoral position at Università di Firenze

created by daniele on 03 Feb 2020

Deadline: 28 feb 2020

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Postdoctoral position at Università di Firenze

Deadline: 28 feb 2020

A postdoctoral position has been established at the Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "U. Dini", Università di Firenze, Italy. Strong candidates pursuing research on Real and Complex Manifolds, in the broadest sense, are warmly encouraged to apply within February 28, 2020. The duration of this position is one year, possibly extendable for one further year.

Details for the application can be found at the following link (English version in the second half of the document):

This position has been established within the project PRIN 2017 "Real and Complex Manifolds: Topology, Geometry and holomorphic dynamics", code 2017JZ2SW5.

Please circulate this announcement to potential candidates. For further information please contact: daniele.angella(AT)

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