Deadline: 22 mar 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
At the Institute for Algebra and Geometry at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology we advertise a tenure track professorship in geometry. Geometry is understood in a broad sense, and applications by topologists are welcome:
From the ad:
"Young researchers working in geometry and related areas of mathematics and having completed their Ph.D. within the last 4 years are invited to apply. The possible areas of specialisation include algebraic, metric, Riemannian and symplectic geometry, geometric group theory, algebraic topology, and combinatorial geometry.”
Deadline for applying is March 22.
Note the rather restrictive limit on academic age. (Soon we will also announce a tenure professorship in Algebra/Geometry for more senior people)
For further details, check: