Deadline: 9 dec 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The call for proposals for the SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships program is now open (submission deadline: February 3rd, 2020). If you know someone who might be interested in this funding opportunity, please don’t hesitate to share this communication with her/him.
Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships are aimed at highly qualified young researchers in all disciplines who have a doctorate or equivalent qualification and are pursuing an academic career, but who have not yet obtained an assistant professorship.
As per EPFL rules (accepted by the SNSF), SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship grantees hosted at EPFL will receive the title of Research & Teaching Associate and will have the right:
· to supervise PhD students
· to carry out their scientific work independently
· to create and lead a research group
· to set up laboratories or similar entities when and if required
· to have access to the infrastructure they need for their project
· to decide on the use of their Eccellenza funds
The Research Office has prepared an application package containing all instructions including the SNSF requirements as well as a description of the EPFL internal procedure.
The internal submission process implies that the candidate obtains the approvals/signatures of:
· the HR manager responsible for the host School,
· the Director of the Institute,
· the Dean of School or the Head of ENT-R/I/E.
The signatures are documented on the Registration Form and the Detailed confirmation letter. The candidate must send (in electronic version) the two documents together with the other required documents as described in the application package to the Research Office by January 20, 2020.
Some Institutes/Schools set December 9th 2019 as their internal deadline for the evaluation of the candidates (Institute IPHYS had a different internal deadline on November 14th). It is advisable to contact host Institute/School for a confirmation of the internal deadline.
Job advertisements will soon be published on the EPFL website to promote these opportunities.
An Eccellenza applicant workshop will take place on December 12th. >> Registration here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (research(AT)