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PhD position in Goettingen

created by daniele on 18 Nov 2019

Deadline: 11 jan 2020

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

At the Mathematical Institute of Universitaet Goettingen, we are running the

Research Training Group "Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory", which include PIs interested in topology and geometry (e.g. Thomas Schick (as speaker)).

For more on the program, visit

Within this RTG we advertise one PhD position, starting March 1, 2019 (or later upon mutual agreement). The application deadline is Jan 11, 2020.

The official ad for the PhD positions is at

The PhD position comea with 75% of the regular working hours (currently 29,85 hours per week). The contract duration is 3 years. The salary will be according to pay grade 13 TV-L.

Applicants' profile
- Master degree in mathematics or equivalent
- Research focus with an analytical profile in one of the areas number theory, geometry, non-commutative geometry, topology, analysis of partial differential equations, mathematical physics
- Language proficiency in English or German

The successfull applicants work within the research program of the Research Training Group. As members of the Research Training Group they benefit from its qualification program, including for advanced and tailor-made courses on the topics of the Research Training Group. An intensive visitor's program, frequent workshops and PhD schools will contribute to a vibrant scientific environment.

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