Deadline: 1 dec 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
It is my pleasure to announce that SDU has created of a new permanent research center: Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at University of Southern Denmark, which opened 1 November 2019 directed by the undersigned. See the press release:
I further have the pleasure to announce the following vacancies at the QM centre. One of the positions are further associated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (D-IAS). All positions are located in Odense, Denmark.
Professors in quantum mathematics
Associate professor//professor wsr//professor in quantum mathematics
Associate professor or tenure-track assistant professorships in quantum mathematics
D-IAS Assistant professor in quantum mathematics
3 year postdoctoral fellows in quantum mathematics
2 year postdoctoral fellows in quantum mathematics
PhD positions in quantum mathematics
Please forward this announcement to all relevant candidates in you network / at your institution.
(Note by User: deadline is indicative!)