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Postdoc positions in Warwick UK

created by daniele on 13 Jun 2019

Deadline: 4 aug 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

A number of postdoc positions in Warwick UK have been advertised with a closing date of 4th August 2019.

These highly competitive Warwick Zeeman Lectureships are in fact fixed term postdoc positions with some teaching duties. Successful candidates have usually completed more than one postdoc previously, and are ready for a tenure track position. There is no restrictions on area, but applications from algebraic topologists are very welcome.

There is a well established group in geometric topology in Warwick, and from 2019-20, algebraic topologists in Warwick will include Emanuele Dotto, Gonzalo Tabuada and John Greenlees.


Warwick Zeeman Lecturer (101674-059)
The job advert for the two Warwick Zeeman lectureships (closing 4th August) is now live on the Warwick web pages via the following link: There is a link to this from the Mathematics Institute pages at

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