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Two postdoc fellowships in Marseille

created by daniele on 03 Feb 2015

Deadline: 15 mar 2015

Two postdoc positions in Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory will be offered at the Mathematics Institute of Marseille, each for two years.

The successful applicants will collaborate with Laurent Manivel and will be funded by A-MIDEX (Initiative d'Excellence Aix-Marseille,

Location: TechnopĂ´le de Chateau Gombert, Marseille. For more information about the Mathematics Institute of Marseille, visit

Starting date: September 1, 2015 (or close to it).

Net salary: 1960 euros per month, or 2300 euros per month for researchers with at least three years of experience after their PhD.

There will be no teaching duties.

The laureates will be required to have completed a PhD in mathematics by the time the appointment begins.

Applicants should provide the following documents:

- CV, including a list of publications (with links),

- Research statement,

- Research project,

- Personal letter,

- Two letters of reference.

Please send your application preferably before March 15th. Late applications might be considered till the positions are filled.

Contact: Laurent Manivel <>

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