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opening for Professorship Pure Mathematics (W2) in Goettingen

created by daniele on 05 Jun 2019

Deadline: 5 jul 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

At Mathematisches Institut of Goettingen Universitaet we advertise a professorship in Pure Mathematics (W2, corresponding to associate professorship). We are not looking for core topology, but connections to the research focus "topology/geometry" would certainly be very welcome from my part.

excerpt from the ad: 'We look for an internationally recognized scientist (m/f/d) with an analytic research profile, e.g., in one of the areas of harmonic analysis, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, spectral theory, or group theory, with connections to the number theory group in Göttingen and to a further research focus of the Mathematical Institute. In addition, we expect an equally adequate qualification and capacity to conduct excellent research-oriented teaching. Also required is the ability to contribute to academic administration and staff management. We expect the willingness to contribute to collaborative research projects, such as the newly established RTG 2491 “Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory.”'

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