Deadline: 31 may 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Doctoral position in Topology at TU München, Germany
One doctoral position in topology is available this fall at the University of Technology in Munich under Claudia Scheimbauer's supervision. The project will lie at the intersection of mathematical physics and algebraic topology, roughly in the mathematical study of field theories using methods from homotopy theory and higher structures. Please forward this information to Master students with interests broadly in this direction. For more information, feel free to contact me by email.
To apply, please get in touch with Claudia Scheimbauer directly via email with a
• short description of interests in mathematics
• CV including information on educational background (and work experience)
• transcript from bachelor/master, if necessary with an informal explanation of the grading system
• contact information for one or two references; please ask them to send their references to Claudia Scheimbauer's email address claudia.scheimbauer(AT)
• If available, a draft of their (master) thesis may also be included.
I will start reviewing the applications on June 1, but later applications may be considered as long as the position is not filled.
(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)