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Assistant professor (tenure track) in mathematics and applied mathematics

created by altavilla on 24 Jan 2015
modified by giovanni on 01 Mar 2015

Deadline: 13 mar 2015

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki is Finland’s leading research and education institute in its field. It also holds a strong international position at the forefront of research in various fields of mathematics and statistics. The Department hosts two Finnish centres of excellence in research, two Academy of Finland professorships and one FiDiPro professorship.

The Faculty of Science is announcing two open tenure-track



1) Mathematics 2) Applied mathematics, particularly stochastics

The positions are administratively located at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The assistant professorships can also be filled as


through the same application process if warranted by the merits and qualifications of the applicants.

For an overview of the positions, please see http:/

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