Deadline: 18 jun 2019
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The GSSI-Gran Sasso Science Institute offers 31 PhD fellowships for the academic year 2019/20 and invites applications for fellowships for the PhD Programmes in “Astroparticle Physics” (9), “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” (8), “Computer Science” (7), “Urban Studies and Regional Science”(7).
The official language for all PhD courses is English. The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation at the GSSI facilities and use of the canteen. The application must be submitted through the online form available at by 18 June 2019 at 6 pm (Italian time zone).
The GSSI-Gran Sasso Science Institute is an international PhD school and a center for research and higher education in the areas of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Sciences. Founded in 2012 in L’Aquila (Italy) as Center for Advanced Studies of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and then established in March 2016 as a School of Advanced Studies providing post-graduate education. Through a day-to-day collaboration and interaction, researchers and students have the opportunity to build a sound knowledge of the research methods and to experiment contamination of interests, innovative approaches and multicultural exchanges in all the GSSI activities. In addressing the complexity of today’s world, GSSI is committed to removing all barriers between its areas of study and research. The dissemination of scientific results towards society and the promotion of cultural events for generic public, citizens and schools are among GSSI goals.