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PhD position in Goettingen

created by daniele on 02 Apr 2019

Deadline: 30 apr 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Mathematical Institute at Universität Göttingen is inviting applications for a

3-year PhD position

starting October 1, 2019.

Your profile
- Master degree in mathematics or equivalent,
- Research focus with an analytical profile in one of the areas number theory, geometry, non-commutative geometry, topology, analysis of partial differential equations, mathematical physics,
- Language proficiency in English or German,
- Teaching experience is desirable.

In particular, we invite applications in topology and geometry, but with an analytic profile. For informal inquiries, feel free to contact Thomas Schick (thomas.schick(AT)

We offer a competitive salary (75% TV-L 13). For further particular check the official ad at the website

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