C. Collari: Transverse link invariants from the deformations of Khovanov $\mathfrak{sl}_{3}$-homology Algebraic & Geometric Topology Vol. 20, N. 4, p. 17291768, 2018 C. Collari, P. Lisca: Symmetric union diagrams and refined spin models Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2018 A. Cavallo, C. Collari: Slice-torus concordance invariants and Whitehead doubles of links Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2018 C. Collari: A Bennequin-type inequality and combinatorial bounds Michigan Mathematical Journal 2019 C. Collari: On transverse invariants from Khovanov-type homologies Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications Vol. 28, N. 1, p. 1950012, 37 pp., 2019 C. Collari, P. Lisca: On symmetric equivalence of symmetric union diagrams Osaka Journal of Mathematics Vol. 58, N. 4, p. 755-765, 2019 C. Collari: Slice-torus link invariants, combinatorial invariants, and positivity conditions Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Vol. 53, N. 4, p. 1072-1092, 2020 L. Caputi, C. Collari, S. Di Trani: Multipath cohomology of directed graphs Algebraic & Geometric Topology (Accepted Paper) 2021 A. Cavallo, C. Collari, A. Conway: A note on the weak splitting number Proceedings of the AMS Vol. 149, N. 3, p. 13051321, 2021 L. Caputi, C. Collari, S. Di Trani: Combinatorial and Topological Aspects of Path Posets, and Multipath Cohomology Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2021 L. Caputi, D. Celoria, C. Collari: Monotone cohomologies and oriented matchings Homology, Homotopy and Applications (Accepted Paper) 2022 L. Caputi, D. Celoria, C. Collari: Categorifying connected domination via graph überhomology Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2022 L. Caputi, C. Collari, S. Di Trani, J. P. Smith: On the homotopy type of multipath complexes Mathematika (Accepted Paper) 2022 C. Collari: A note on weight systems which are quantum states Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2022 L. Caputi, C. Collari: On finite generation in magnitude (co)homology, and its torsion (preprint) 2023 L. Caputi, D. Celoria, C. Collari: From the Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence to überhomology Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A: Mathematics 2023 C. Collari, P. Lisca: Strongly Invertible Legendrian Links (preprint) 2023 L. Caputi, C. Collari, E. Ramos: The weak categorical quiver minor theorem and its applications: matchings, multipaths, and magnitude cohomology (preprint) 2024 L. Caputi, D. Celoria, C. Collari: Bridging between überhomology and double homology (preprint) 2024