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B. Nelli - G. Pipoli - G. Russo

On constant higher order mean curvature hypersurfaces in $\mathbb H^n \times \mathbb R$

created by russo on 05 Apr 2023
modified on 22 Apr 2024


Published Paper

Inserted: 5 apr 2023
Last Updated: 22 apr 2024

Journal: Advanced Nonlinear Studies
Volume: 24
Number: 1
Pages: 44-73
Year: 2024
Doi: 101515/ans-2023-0115

ArXiv: 2304.00349 PDF
Links: Link to journal


We classify hypersurfaces with rotational symmetry and positive constant $r$-th mean curvature in $\mathbb H^n \times \mathbb R$. Specific constant higher order mean curvature hypersurfaces invariant under hyperbolic translation are also treated. Some of these invariant hypersurfaces are employed as barriers to prove a Ros--Rosenberg type theorem in $\mathbb H^n \times \mathbb R$: we show that compact connected hypersurfaces of constant $r$-th mean curvature embedded in $\mathbb H^n \times [0,\infty)$ with boundary in the slice $\mathbb H^n \times \{0\}$ are topological disks under suitable assumptions.

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