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A. Roncoroni

A Serrin-type symmetry result on model manifolds: an extension of the Weinberger argument

created by roncoroni on 21 Oct 2022
modified on 17 Oct 2023


Published Paper

Inserted: 21 oct 2022
Last Updated: 17 oct 2023

Journal: Comptes Rendus Mathematique
Year: 2018

ArXiv: 1708.02032 PDF


We consider the classical "Serrin symmetry result" for the overdetermined boundary value problem related to the equation $\Delta u=-1$ in a model manifold of non-negative Ricci curvature. Using an extension of the Weinberger classical argument we prove a Euclidean symmetry result under a suitable "compatibility" assumption between the solution and the geometry of the model.

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