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N. Tardini - A. Tomassini

$\overline\partial$-Harmonic forms on $4$-dimensional almost-Hermitian manifolds

created by tardini on 30 Apr 2021
modified on 28 Oct 2021


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 30 apr 2021
Last Updated: 28 oct 2021

Journal: Math. Res. Lett.
Year: 2021

ArXiv: 2104.10594 PDF


Let $(X,J)$ be a $4$-dimensional compact almost-complex manifold and let $g$ be a Hermitian metric on $(X,J)$. Denote by $\Delta_{\overline\partial}:=\overline\partial\overline\partial^*+\overline\partial^*\overline\partial$ the $\overline\partial$-Laplacian. If $g$ is globally conformally K\"ahler, respectively (strictly) locally conformally K\"ahler, we prove that the dimension of the space of $\overline\partial$-harmonic $(1,1)$-forms on $X$ is a topological invariant given by $b_-+1$, respectively $b_-$. As an application, we provide a one-parameter family of almost-Hermitian structures on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold for which such a dimension is $b_-$. This gives a positive answer to a question raised by T. Holt and W. Zhang.

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