Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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A. M. Vinogradov - G. Moreno

Domains in Infinite Jets: C-Spectral Sequence

created by moreno on 15 Sep 2020



Inserted: 15 sep 2020
Last Updated: 15 sep 2020

Year: 2006

ArXiv: math/0609079 PDF


Domains in infinite jets present the simplest class of diffieties with boundary. In this note some basic elements of geometry of these domains are introduced and an analogue of the C-spectral sequence in this context is studied. This, in particular, allows cohomological interpretation and analysis of initial data, boundary conditions, etc, for general partial differential equations and of transversality conditions in calculus of variations. This kind applications and extensions to arbitrary diffieties will be considered in subsequent publications.

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