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A. Trusiani

Multipoint Okounkov bodies

created by trusiani on 11 Dec 2019



Inserted: 11 dec 2019
Last Updated: 11 dec 2019

Year: 2018

ArXiv: 1804.02306 PDF


Starting from the data of a big line bundle $L$ on a projective manifold $X$ with a choice of $N\geq 1$ different points on $X$ we give a new construction of $N$ Okounkov bodies that encodes important geometric features of ($L\to X,p_{1},\dots,p_{N}$) such as the volume of $L$, the (moving) multipoint Seshadri constant of $L$ at $p_{1},\dots,p_{N}$, and the possibility to construct K\"ahler packings centered at $p_{1},\dots,p_{N}$.

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