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C. Collari - P. Lisca

On symmetric equivalence of symmetric union diagrams

created by collari on 02 Feb 2019
modified on 09 Jan 2022


Published Paper

Inserted: 2 feb 2019
Last Updated: 9 jan 2022

Journal: Osaka Journal of Mathematics
Volume: 58
Number: 4
Pages: 755-765
Year: 2019

ArXiv: 1901.10270 PDF
Links: link


Eisermann and Lamm introduced a notion of symmetric equivalence among symmetric union diagrams and studied it using a refined form of the Jones polynomial. We introduced invariants of symmetric equivalence via refined versions of topological spin models and provided a partial answer to a question left open by Eisermann and Lamm. In this paper we adopt a new approach to the symmetric equivalence problem and give a complete answer to the original question left open by Eisermann and Lamm.

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