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A. Cavallo - C. Collari

Slice-torus concordance invariants and Whitehead doubles of links

created by collari on 18 Sep 2018
modified on 08 Sep 2019


Published Paper

Inserted: 18 sep 2018
Last Updated: 8 sep 2019

Journal: Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Year: 2018
Doi: 10.4153/S0008414X19000294

ArXiv: 1806.10358 PDF


In the present paper we extend the definition of slice-torus invariant to links. We prove a few properties of the newly-defined slice-torus link invariants: the behaviour under crossing change, a slice genus bound, an obstruction to strong sliceness, and a combinatorial bound. Furthermore, we provide an application to the computation of the splitting number. Finally, we use the slice-torus link invariants, and the Whitehead doubling to define new strong concordance invariants for links, which are proven to be independent from the corresponding slice-torus link invariant.

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