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D. Angella

SageMath experiments in Differential and Complex Geometry

created by daniele on 13 Apr 2017
modified on 17 Nov 2017


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 13 apr 2017
Last Updated: 17 nov 2017

Journal: arXiv:1704.04175 [math.DG]
Year: 2017

ArXiv: 1704.04175 PDF

Proceedings of the talk by the author at the workshop ``Geometry and Computer Science'' held in Pescara in February 2017.

Links: arXiv:1704.04175


This note summarizes the talk by the author at the workshop "Geometry and Computer Science" held in Pescara in February 2017. We present how SageMath can help in research in Complex and Differential Geometry, with two simple applications, which are not intended to be original. We consider two "classification problems" on quotients of Lie groups, namely, "computing cohomological invariants" D. Angella, M. G. Franzini, F. A. Rossi, Degree of non-K\"ahlerianity for 6-dimensional nilmanifolds, Manuscripta Math. 148 (2015), no. 1-2, 177--211, A. Latorre, L. Ugarte, R. Villacampa, On the Bott-Chern cohomology and balanced Hermitian nilmanifolds, Internat. J. Math. 25 (2014), no. 6, 1450057, 24 pp., and "classifying special geometric structures" D. Angella, G. Bazzoni, M. Parton, Structure of locally conformally symplectic Lie algebras and solvmanifolds, arXiv:1704.01197., and we set the problems to be solved with SageMath.

Tags: SIR2014-AnHyC

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