9 mar 2020 - 13 mar 2020
Institut Fourier, Grenoble
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
A one week workshop will be organized from March 9 to March 13 2020 at Institut Fourier, in complex algebraic and analytic geometry.
The followings themes are emphasized: structure theorems for algebraic varieties, geometry of vector bundles, vanishing theorems, Kähler geometry, special metrics, entire functions, holomorphic foliations, hyperbolicity of algebraic varieties.
We hope that the workshop will offer good conditions for exchanging and interacting on the above topics, and eventually other ones. There will be in total 20-22 talks of 50 minutes.
You are invited to participate to this event !
A social dinner will be organized on Wednesday March 11 evening, after a short visit of Grenoble city or surroundings. Accommodation is taken in charge by Institut Fourier. Participants who do not have their own financial support for travel can apply for support from our ERC budget.
Interested colleagues are invited to register on the web site
before February 16 2019 (once they have created their login and credentials on Sciencesconf.org, if still needed, the ones prevously created should still work). In case of any problem or any specific request, please send a message to <jean-pierre.demailly(AT)univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>