6 apr 2020 - 10 apr 2020
CIRM Luminy, Marseille
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The workshop Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class, organized by myself, Frank Loray, and Erwan Rousseau, was supposed to happen this week at CIRM. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the workshop in its original format. CIRM staff pushed us to organize a virtual version of it, and we decided to experiment with a different format.
The virtual workshop will consist of ten talks and two online sessions. Most of the talks are already available at the webpage https://www.cirm-math.com/virtual-event-2250.html, and we invite you to watch them.
The talk by Ekaterina Amerik is independent of the others and discusses rational curves and contraction loci on hyperkähler manifolds. The other nine talks by Beauville, Druel (3x), Greb, Guenancia (3x), and Höring, focus on the decomposition theorem for varieties with singular canonical class.
On April 14 (Tuesday), we will host a discussion session, in which the registered participants of the original workshop will participate and interact with the speakers. Similarly, on April 16 (Thursday), we will host a problem session.
We will live stream both sessions on YouTube. You will find a link to the session on the webpage of the virtual workshop. We invite you all to follow both sessions online and, in case you have questions to the speakers, please send a message to jvp(AT)impa.br, and I will do my best to forward it to the speakers so that they can comment in realtime.
If you know beforehand what you will ask, please forward your questions to jvp(AT)impa.br as soon as possible, allowing the speakers to prepare themselves and answer your question in a more effective and structured way.
Best regards,
Jorge Vitório Pereira (on behalf of the organizing committee)
We invite you to participate in the first of the three activities of the Jean Morlet Chair « Foliation theory and complex geometry »: https://www.chairejeanmorlet.com/2020-1-pereira-rousseau.html
This is a workshop on the description of varieties with trivial canonical class. It will take place in CIRM, April 06-10.
The preregistration is open here until February 06: https://www.cirm-math.fr/preRegistration/index.php?EX=menu0&id_renc=2250
Please indicate, if you need us to cover your local expenses. If you can cover your stay at CIRM using other resources this will be highly appreciated as the spare funds will be used to cover the participation of students, post-docs, and young researchers in one of the three activities we are organizing at CIRM this semester.
Happy new year 2020,
Jorge Vitório Pereira and Erwan Rousseau.