28 jun 2020 - 4 jul 2020
Białowieża, Poland
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The Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics is the annual international conference in the field of mathematical physics and mathematics organized by the Department of Mathematical Physics of the University of Białystok, Poland.
The topics covered at the Białowieża meetings span wide areas of classical and quantum physics, geometry, topology, analysis and algebra, inspired by geometric approaches to problems arising in physics.
The conference offers an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas between physicists and mathematicians, in an informal and inviting setting. We especially encourage the participation of early career scientists.
The programme consists of invited plenary lectures (55 minutes), as well as other invited and contributed talks (40 or 25 minutes). Participants are also offered the possibility of presenting their contributions in poster form. SPECIAL SESSION This year a Special Session will be dedicated in memory of Bogdan Mielnik, a teacher of many participants of our Workshops, who passed away in January 2019. He was a very wise man with an extremely individual way of thinking. He participated in all our recent Workshops, made important contributions to the program and gave many original talks. The organizing committee of the Special Session consists of A. Odzijewicz (Białystok), D. Fernández (Mexico City) and P. Kielanowski (Mexico City).
A short note about prof. Mielnik may be found here.
-classical and quantum field theories
-infinite-dimensional groups
-integrable systems
-Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids
-noncommutative geometry
-operator algebras
-quantum groups
-representation theory
-symplectic and Poisson geometry
Esteban Andruchow (Buenos Aires)
Almut Beige (Leeds)
Kenny De Commer (Brussels)
Victor Kac (MIT)
Paweł Kasprzak (Warszawa)
Yuri Kondratiev (Bielefeld)
Hitoshi Konno (Tokyo)
Jacek Miękisz (Warszawa)
Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen)
Gestur Olafsson (Baton Rouge)
Alexei Pirkovskii (Moscow)
Karen Strung (Prague)
Sergei Tabachnikov (Pennsylvania)
Alexander Veselov (Loughborough/Moscow)
Xiaomeng Xu (MIT)
The list is not final and additional speakers may be included. The most recent list is always available at the webpage http://wgmp.uwb.edu.pl/.
PLACE AND TIME The arrival date is Saturday, June 27. The scientific activity will run from Sunday, June 28 till Saturday, July 4. There will be a conference bus from Warsaw (about 4 p.m.) to Białowieża on June 27 and back on July 5. The return bus will depart from Białowieża not later than 7:00 and should arrive in Warsaw about 12:00, in time for early afternoon flights or train departures.
The 2020 Workshop will take place in the heart of the Białowieża primeval forest - a site of great natural beauty. We plan a number of special events during the XXXIX Workshop, including a campfire, a banquet and an excursion (probably to the Strictly Protected Area of Białowieża forest). The last night in Białowieża is Kupala Night - with regional folk dances and music concluding in a midnight search for the "fern flower".
Please consult these links for more information about Białowieża forest and Kupala Night as well as some photos: Photos from previous conferences and Białowieża Wikipedia page about Białowieża Forest Ivan Kupala Day
ACCOMMODATION AND CONFERENCE FEE The conference fee is 150 EUR and the cost of living expenses is 400 EUR. It covers full board and lodging (double room) within walking distance from the lecture hall, transportation from Warsaw to Białowieża and back as well as social events. Accommodation in a single room costs an additional 100 EUR. However due to the limited hotel service in Białowieża this may not be possible in all cases. There is a cost of 300 EUR for each accompanying person.
The fees should be paid in cash during the week of the conference and we can accept the equivalent in USD or PLN. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit cards, personal checks, bank drafts or travelers checks. In some cases we can offer participants a reduction of the conference fee (e.g. for graduate students).
IX SCHOOL FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS There will be a school for young researchers and graduate students in the week preceding the Workshop. The IX School on Geometry and Physics will start on Monday, June 22 and last till Friday, June 26. The total cost of the School is 300 EUR (includes board and accomodation). Arrival date will be Sunday, June 21 and departure date will be Saturday June 27.
During the School we plan to organize several 3h courses by leading experts in mathematical physics. Speakers include John Harnad (Montreal), Folkert Mueller-Hoissen (Gottingen), Anatolij Prykarpatski (Kraków), Piotr Stachura (Warszawa), Raffaele Vitolo (Salento). The most recent programme can be found at http://wgmp.uwb.edu.pl/.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE F. Arici (Leipzig), M. Babich (St.Petersburg), D. Beltiţă (Bucharest), A. Belavin (Chernogolovka), M. Bertola (Montreal/Trieste), M. Bialy (Tel Aviv), A. Bolsinov (Loughborough), M. Bożejko (Wrocław), T. Brzeziński (Swansea/Białystok), O. Chalykh (Leeds), G. Corach (Buenos Aires), G. Cotti (Bonn), G. Dito (Dijon), H. Fan (Beijing), L. Feher (Szeged), M. Feigin (Glasgow), D.J. Fernandez (Mexico City), J.-P. Gazeau (Paris), A. Glutsyuk (Lyon), N. Hounkonnou (Cotonou), Y. Kawahigashi (Tokyo), J. Kijowski (Warszawa), Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach (Paris), B. Kwaśniewski (Białystok), G. Larotonda (Buenos Aires), J. Lawson (Baton Rouge), K. Mackenzie (Sheffield), Y. Maeda (Tokyo), A. Mironov (Novosibirsk), I. Mladenov (Sofia), A. Mostafazadeh (Istanbul), J. Mourão (Lisbon), A. Nakayashiki (Tokyo), Yu. Neretin (Moscow), S. Neshveyev (Oslo), L.M. Nieto (Valladolid), A. Orlov (Moscow), F. Pelletier (Cognin), A. Prykarpatski (Kraków), Z. Rakić (Belgrade), J. Rembieliński (Łódź), A. Sergeev (Saratov), M. Schlichenmaier (Luxembourg), A. Shafarevich (Moscow), G. Sharygin (Moscow), K.B. Sinha (Bangalore), A. Sitarz (Kraków), A. Skalski (Warszawa), P. Stachura (Warszawa), D. Sternheimer (Tokyo/Dijon), W. Szymański (Odense), G. Tuynman (Lille), N. Tyurin (Dubna), A. Veselov (Loughborough), S.L. Woronowicz (Warszawa), M. Yamashita (Oslo), A. Yoshioka (Tokyo), V. Zakharov (Tucson), A. Zheglov (Moscow), H. Żołądek (Warszawa), N.T. Zung (Toulouse)
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE A. Odzijewicz (Białystok) - chairman, T. Goliński (Białystok) - secretary, T. Czyżycki (Białystok), A. Dobrogowska (Białystok), G. Goldin (Rutgers), P. Kielanowski (Mexico City), E. Previato (Boston), A. Sergeev (Moscow), A. Sliżewska (Białystok)
Interested participants are requested to complete the registration form on-line before May 31, 2020, but early registration would be very helpful to the organizers.
The Organizers XXXIX WGMP Faculty of Mathematics University of Białystok Ciołkowskiego 1M 15-245 Białystok, Poland e-mail: wgmp@uwb.edu.pl