14 jan 2020
University of Ferrara
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Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to announce a one-day Workshop on 'Cremona transformations and the Sarkisov program'. (http://mcs.unife.it/alex.massarenti/TBG/Ferrara/TBG_Ferrara.html)
It will take place at the University of Ferrara (Italy) on January 14, 2020.
The invited speakers are:
Alberto Calabri, Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros and Giovanni Staglianò.
This workshop is the second meeting for the series 'Topics in Birational Algebraic Geometry'. (http://mcs.unife.it/alex.massarenti/TBG/BirationalTopics.html)
Please contact one of the organizers if you are willing to participate.
Best regards,
Luigi Lombardi
Alex Massarenti
Luca Tasin
Stefano Urbinati