8 jun 2020 - 12 jun 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
This is the first announcement concerning the Spring School
Invariants in Algebraic Geometry
that will take place in Dijon (France) from 8 to 12 June, 2020. Registration is now open (you just need to send me an e-mail with your name and your institution).
Important: In case you apply for accommodation, the deadline for registration is March 31st 2020 strict.
More information will be available the next months on the website of the event: http://school-iag2020.math.cnrs.fr/
There will be four or five mini-courses of 4 hours each:
New techniques in the foundations of moduli theory, Jarod Alper (University of Washington)
Cox rings and their applications in algebraic geometry, Ivan Arzhantsev (HSE Moscow)
Quadratic invariants for algebraic varieties, Frédéric Déglise (IMB Dijon)
Geometric Invariant Theory for non-reductive groups, Victoria Hoskins (Freie Universität Berlin)
Ravi Vakil (Stanford University), TBC