5 feb 2020 - 7 feb 2020
University of Málaga
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The Geometry and Topology team of the University of Málaga is pleased to present the sixth edition of the "Málaga & Topology Meeting" which will talke place from February 5 to 7, 2020. We welcome anyone interested in attending, in an informal and relaxed atmosphere, the talks of a selected group of topologists. In this edition we have the following speakers:
Alejandro Adem (to be confirmed)
Yago Antolín
Roger Casals (to be confirmed)
Robert Ghrist
Najib Idrissi
Vidit Nanda
Ana Peón-Nieto
More information and (free) registration available in https://sites.google.com/view/jibiri-and-malaga-topology/home
At the same time, see also the previous link, we will also host the "Jibiri Seminar", an itinerant yearly event on topics of algebraic geometry. This edition will consists in a course on Varieties of Characters given by:
Marina Logares
Ángel González-Prieto
Vicente Muñoz
For both events, there will be some funding available for young researchers.