15 apr 2020 - 17 apr 2020
University of Bonn
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Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that we are organising the workshop Young Women in Geometric Analysis at the University of Bonn, April 15-17, 2020. https://ywigeometricanalysis.wordpress.com/
This event is part of the series of workshops Young Women in… https://www.bigs-math.uni-bonn.de/events/scientific-events/young-women-in/
Everybody is welcome to attend. The workshop provides a platform for female graduate students and postdocs in Geometric Analysis to present their research. The plenary speakers are
Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth College)
Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford)
The main lectures will be complemented by participants’ talks and a poster exhibition.
Limited financial support is available for female participants. The deadline for the registration is January 15, 2020.
We would be grateful if you can spread the word about this workshop.
Many thanks and best regards,
Asma Hassannezhad and Anna Siffert