15 dec 2019 - 18 dec 2019
SISSA Trieste
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We would like to advertise the 3rd edition of the event "Junior Math Days", which will take place at SISSA, Trieste on December 15th-18th 2019. The aim of the event is to introduce undergraduate students to the PhD programs in Geometry and Mathematical Physics and in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications, through a series of seminars and meetings with the professors and researchers.
24 students will be selected and they will recieve a free accomodation for all the duration of the event. Other eligible candidates without fundings are also welcomed. Deadline for applications is on November 4th. More information is available on: https://people.sissa.it/~vfantini/JMD2019/SchoolMath.html
We would like to ask you to spread this information to all the students who may be interested. We warmly thank you for your availability. Best regards,
The organizers: Emanuele Caputo, Veronica Fantini, Francesco Nobili, Alessandro Rubin