19 dec 2019 - 20 dec 2019
University of Roma Tre (Palazzo Argiletum, Rione Monti, Rome)
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Dear All,
this is the first announcement for “Geometry in Pairs”, a two-day conference in algebraic and complex geometry, which will take place on December 19-20, 2019 at the University of Roma Tre (Palazzo Argiletum, Rione Monti, Rome).
The format of the conference is new: talks of 1 hour and 20 minutes, each delivered by a pair of speakers. The goal is to chorally present a research area, through the different sensibilities and experiences of the lecturers.
Here is our final list of pairs of speakers:
* Leandro Arosio (Roma Tor Vergata) & Federico Lo Bianco (Lyon);
* Vincent Guedj (Toulouse) & Henri Guenancia (Toulouse);
* Kieran O’Grady (Roma Sapienza) & Claire Voisin (College de France);
* Ana-Maria Castravet (Versailles Paris-Saclay) & Diletta Martinelli (Amsterdam);
* Nicolas Perrin (Versailles Paris-Saclay) & Francesco Zucconi (Udine);
* Sara Lamboglia (Frankfurt) & Enrica Mazzon (MPIM Bonn);
* Fabio Bernasconi (Utah) & Zsolt Patakfalvi (EPFL Lausanne);
* Irene Pasquinelli (Paris Sorbonne) & Stefano Riolo (Neuchâtel).
The main goal of Geometry in Pairs is to promote collaborations between young researchers, PhD students and also master students which are approaching research in algebraic and complex geometry.
Limited funding is available to support travel expenses of PhD students and young researcher. The deadline to apply for support is November 1, 2019.
Looking forward to meeting all of you.
The organising committee,
Barbara Bolognese
Eleonora Di Nezza
Andrea Fanelli
Filippo Viviani