6 nov 2019 - 9 nov 2019
Galatasaray University in Istanbul
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We would like to announce the "Mini School on Singularities of Surfaces" which will be held at Galatasaray University in Istanbul/Turkey between 6-9 November 2019. The school aims mainly to introduce the subject to young researchers, especially the graduate students and the 4th year undergraduate students who intend to pursue a Master/PhD degree in algebraic geometry, from a basic level with a view towards the applications and to the most recent results.
For further details and the tentative program please visit the webpage:
Financial supports: The School is supported by the project TUBITAK 118F320. There are some grants covering lodging expenses in double/triple rooms for young participants.
The number of participants is limited by 30. Please register via an e-mail, before 20th of October 2019 to busrakaradeniz(AT)gtu.edu.tr The organizing committee will examine the applications and will send out notifications of acceptance by October 22, 2019.
We hope to meet you in the school.