23 mar 2020 - 27 mar 2020
Gargnano del Garda, (BS) Italy
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear friends and colleagues,
Unfortunately, due to the covid-19 epidemic we are forced to postpone the conference "Complex Algebraic Geometry and related topics" until 2021.
New communications will follow.
Elisabetta Colombo, Alessio Corti, Paola Frediani, Matteo Penegini e Roberto Pignatelli
Dear all,
this is the first announcement of the conference
“Complex Algebraic Geometry and related topics“
a conference in honour of Fabrizio Catanese on the occasion of his
70th birthday
Gargnano del Garda, (BS) Italy — March 23-27, 2020
1. Miguel Angel Barja, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain;
2. Ingrid Bauer, Universität Bayreuth, Germany;
3. Arnaud Beauville, University of Nice, France;
4. Christian Böhning, University of Warwick, U.K .;
5. Ciro Ciliberto, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy;
6. Meng Chen, Fudan University Shanghai, Rep. Pop. China;
7. Olivier Debarre, Université Paris Diderot, France;
8. Ludmil Katzarkov, Universitaet Wien, Austria;
9. Yujiro Kawamata, University of Tokyo, Japan;
10. JongHae Keum, KIAS, South Korea;
11. Yongnam Lee, KAIST, South Korea;
12. Michael Loenne, Universität Bayreuth, Germany;
13. Keniji Oguiso,, University of Tokyo, Japan;
14. Rita Pardini, University of Pisa, Italy;
15. Gian Pietro Pirola, University of Pavia, Italy;
16 Edoardo Sernesi, University of Roma Tre, Italy;
17. Alessandro Verra, University of Roma Tre, Italy;
18. Claire Voisin, ICollege de France.;
Registration is free but mandatory. In order to register please send an e-mail to penegini(AT)dima.unige.it (or proceed through our website, see below) before January 25th with the following information:
- Name
- e-mail
- the dates of your stay
- participation to the social dinner on Wednesday 25th March.
We expect to have limited funding for early-career mathematicians. More information will be made available on the website
We kindly ask you to forward this announcement to anyone you think might be interested.
Yours sincerely,
Elisabetta Colombo,
Alessio Corti,
Paola Frediani,
Matteo Penegini,
Roberto Pignatelli