16 dec 2019 - 19 dec 2019
University of Luxembourg
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First announcement
December 16-19, 2019: Conference on Supergeometry, Supersymmetry and Quantization
The conference will bring researchers across both the fields of mathematics and physics together in order to discuss recently developed topics, on-going work and speculative new ideas within supergeometry and its applications in physics. This event offers a unique opportunity to unite physicists and mathematicians who share a common interest in supermathematics. There will be enough time available for discussions between the participants; a poster session for junior researchers will be organized. The main topics include:
- Supermanifolds and their generalizations (e.g., superschemes, color supermanifolds, noncommutative supergeometry...)
- Super Lie groups and Lie superalgebras
- Supergeometric methods in physics
- Geometric aspects of supersymmetric field theories, superstrings, and supergravity
- Mathematical aspects of the BV-BRST formalism
List of confirmed speakers:
· Glenn Barnich (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
· José Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill (University of Edinburgh)
· Rita Fioresi (University of Bologna)
· Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
· Richard Kerner (Sorbonne University)
· Hovhannes Khudaverdyan (University of Manchester)
· Alexei Kotov (University of Hradec Kralove)
· Dimitry Leites (Stockholm University)
· Yuri Manin (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)
· Sergei Merkulov (University of Luxembourg)
· Ruben Mkrtchyan (Yerevan Physics Institute)
· Valentin Ovsienko (CNRS, Reims)
· Ivan Penkov (Jacobs University Bremen)
· Jian Qiu (University of Uppsala)
· Vladimir Salnikov (CNRS, La Rochelle)
· Urs Schreiber (NYU Abu Dhabi and Czech Acedemy, Prague)
· Albert Schwarz (University of California, Davis)
· Ekaterina Shemyakova (University of Minneapolis)
· Francesco Toppan (Brazilian Center for Physics Research, Rio de Janeiro)
· Luca Vitagliano (University of Salerno)
· Alexander Voronov (University of Minnesota)
· Ted Voronov (University of Manchester)
Scientific Committee:
Andrew Bruce (University of Luxembourg), Steven Duplij (University of Münster), Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Norbert Poncin (University of Luxembourg), Ted Voronov (University of Manchester)
Organizing Committee:
Andrew Bruce (University of Luxembourg), Eduardo Ibarguengoytia (University of Luxembourg)
Contact: andrew.bruce(AT)uni.lu
Location: University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Deadlines: registration: November 15, 2019; posters: November 15, 2019; grants (limited): October 15, 2019
Information: http://math.uni.lu/SuperWork/SuperConference.html