17 feb 2020 - 21 feb 2020
CRM, Pisa
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Winterbraids X --- first announcement
School on braids and low-dimensional topology
Pisa, February 17-21 2020
Winterbraids X is the 10th edition of an itinerant school on braids and low-dimensional topology, that will be held at Centro De Giorgi (Pisa) from February 17th to 21th, 2020.
The main lectures will be given by:
Christine Lescop (Université Grenoble Alpes):
Invariants of links and 3-manifolds that count graph configurations
Carlo Petronio (Università di Pisa):
The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers
Loïc Poulain d'Andecy (Université de Reims):
Fusion for the Yang-Baxter equation and the braid group
Rob Schneiderman (City University of New York):
An elementary introduction to Whitney towers in 4-manifolds
There will also be short talks and a poster session devoted to student presentations (not necessarily focused on braids or their generalizations).
The school will start on Monday morning and will end on Friday at noon. On the website of the school, there is a pre-registration form, to be filled BEFORE 31/10/2019 . Selected participants will be contacted afterwards to confirm their registration. We will support living expenses for all confirmed registered students and postdocs. The school will be mainly supported by the Centro De Giorgi, Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Pisa, GDR Tresses and Singularités and ANR AHA and LISA.
Further details on the school programme and registration procedure can be found at the page: http://winterbraids.math.cnrs.fr/winterbraids10/
For any other queries, please contact the organizers at winterbraids(AT)yahoo.fr
Paolo Bellingeri (Université de Caen Normandie)
Filippo Callegaro (Università di Pisa)
Vincent Florens (Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour)
Jean-Baptiste Meilhan (Université Grenoble-Alpes)
Emmanuel Wagner (Université Paris Diderot)