23 sep 2019 - 26 sep 2019
Institute for Geometry and Physics, Trieste
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2019 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics: Supermoduli
Institute for Geometry and Physics
Trieste, Italy, September 23 to 26, 2019
Scientific Committee: Ugo Bruzzo, Ron Donagi, Daniel Hernández Ruipérez
We are pleased to announce the Workshop on Supermoduli that will take place on September 23 to 26, 2019, on the premises of the Institute for Geometry and Physics, Trieste, Italy. The Institute is a new joint ICTP/SISSA venture and is located in the Miramare Natural Park, near the International Center for Theoretical Physics.
The scientific programme will include two minicourses and about 10 invited lectures.
At the moment the programme includes the following speakers:
Sergio Cacciatori (Univ. Insubria)
Giulio Codogni (Univ. Roma 3)
Ron Donagi* (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Pietro Antonio Grassi (Univ. Piemonte Orientale)
Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez (Univ. Salamanca)
Simone Noja (Univ. Milano)
Nadia Ott (Univ. Minnesota)
Dimitri Polyakov (Sogang Univ.)
Riccardo Re (Univ. Milano)
Alexander Voronov (Univ. Minnesota)
To apply for participation please write by July 31st to bruzzo(AT)sissa.it, stating arrival and departure dates. The workshop organization will book a hotel for you. Participants will be accommodated in downtown hotels; the Miramare campus is easily reached from downtown with a 20 minutes bus ride.
Some support towards local expenses will be available for junior participants (PhD students and postdocs). If you think you need some support please write to bruzzo@sissa.it enclosing a short statement by your supervisor.
We look forward to seeing you in Trieste for the Workshop on Supermoduli.
Ugo Bruzzo, Ron Donagi and Daniel Hernández Ruipérez