4 jul 2019 - 5 jul 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
This is to announce the 5th Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting, taking place in Regensburg on July 4th and 5th.
The guest this is time is Jesper Grodal who will give two lectures. The remaining speakers are
Stefan Friedl (Regensburg)
Nadine Große (Freiburg)
Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
John Lind (CSU Chico)
George Raptis (Regensburg)
Thomas Vogel (LMU Munich)
and there will be a short presentation by Moritz Meisel (Augsburg).
Formal registration is not necessary, but if you plan to come (and in particular would like to join in the conference dinner) it would be nice to give one of the organisers a short notice.
More information are available at https://www-app.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/MAT/sfb-higher-invariants/index.php/Bavarian_Geometry_and_Topology_Meeting_V
Best wishes,
Markus Land and Lukas Lewark