1 jul 2019 - 5 jul 2019
Norfjordeid, Norway
In July 2019 there will be a summer school in Norfjordeid, Norway, called "Analysis, Geometry and PDE". The program of the summer school starts on Monday the 1'st of July and end on Friday 5'th of July. The day of arrival is Sunday, June 30, while the departure day is Saturday, July 06. The purpose of the summer schoolworkshop is to present a wide range of interesting topics for Norwegian and international researchers in mathematical analysis, geometry, and partial differential equations. The focus of the summer schoolworkshop is particularly towards students and young scientists. The summer schoolworkshop will consist of 4 main courses, each of which will be around 4-5 hours. In addition, several invited speakers will give one-hour talks. As an effort to promote young scientists, PhD students and postdocs will have an opportunity to present their results in short communications.
More information can be found in the conference webpage: https:/wiki.math.ntnu.nonordfjordeid2019start