7 oct 2019 - 11 oct 2019
Würzburg, Germany
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear friends, dear colleagues,
this is the first announcement of our Autumn School 2019
Deformations and Rigidity in Algebra, Geometry and Analysis
held in Würzburg form 7th -- 11th October 2019.
The aim of this autumn school is to introduce the notions of deformations and rigidity from many different angles of perspective to an audience of PhD students and young Postdocs working in the fields of algebra, geometry and analysis. In this autumn school the focus will be on deformation theory of geometric structures starting in the realm of Poisson geometry and ending in more algebraic or analytic theories of noncommutative geometry.
We are very happy to have five very distinguished speakers for the minicourses:
- Francescsa Arici: An Introduction To Noncommutative Topology
- Simone Gutt: Deformation Quantization and Symmetries
- Gandalf Lechner: The Yang-Baxter Equation, Operator Algebras, and Braid Group Characters
- Ioan Marcut: Deformations of Poisson structures
- Boris Tsygan: Noncommutative Geometry and Differential Calculus
In addition to the minicourses we will have poster presentations by the participants. More details can be found on the homepage of the school:
The school has financial support from Volkswagen Stiftung which means that we can cover the costs for the hotel and contribute to the travel expenses of all participants in a significant way. The details will be communicated on the homepage of the school.
We would like you to notify your PhD students or Postdocs who might be interested in this school. Please feel free to contact us whenever there are questions.
Best Regards Chiara Esposito and Stefan Waldmann