Monday | 27 may 2019 |
09:30 |
P. Piccinni |
Remarks on some $4$-forms in $\mathbb R^8$ and $\mathbb R^{16}$ |
10:30 |
F. Battaglia |
Hirzebruch surfaces in a one-parameter family |
11:30 |
| coffee break |
12:00 |
F. Podesta' |
13:00 |
| lunch break |
14:30 |
V. Vuletescu |
Locally conformally K\"ahler surfaces: a survey |
15:30 |
| coffee break |
16:00 |
A. Moroianu |
Locally conformally Kähler manifolds with holomorphic Lee field |
17:00 |
S. Salamon |
Quotients of twistor space |
20:00 |
| social dinner |
Tuesday | 28 may 2019 |
09:30 |
A. Tomassini |
On the $J$-anti-invariant and symplectic cohomologies |
10:30 |
A. Otiman |
Hermitian and Complex Geometry of a subclass of Kato manifolds |
11:30 |
| coffee break |
12:00 |
P. Gauduchon |
Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kaehler manifolds |