16 sep 2019 - 21 sep 2019
Second announcement
M. Campana (Université de Lorraine – Fr)
P. Corvaja (Università degli studi di Udine – It)
Supporting lecturers.
A. Turchet (University of Washington – USA)
The School/Workshop is organized by C. Bertolin, G.
Casnati, F. Galluzzi, R. Notari, F. Vaccarino.
contacting the organizers send a mail to
The School/Workshop is supported by CIRM-Fondazione Bruno Kessler (formerly CIRM-ITC), Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche – Politecnico di Torino, Foundation Compositio Mathematica, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Dipartimento di Matematica – Università degli Studi di Torino. The School and the Workshop will take place at
Fondazione Bruno Kessler-IRST
via Sommarive, 18
38050 Povo (Trento) - Italy
Aim of the School.
The School is mainly aimed to PhD students and young
researchers in Algebraic Geometry, introducing the
participants to research, beginning from a basic level
with a view towards the applications and to the most
recent results. A tentative program is as follows.
F. Campana.
1) Special manifolds: first definition by absence of
Bogomolov sheaves of differentials. Examples. Conjectures.
Specialness vs Weak-specialness.
2) Orbifold pairs and their invariants. Multiple fibres.
Orbifold base of a fibration. Bijection between Bogomolov
sheaves and fibrations with orbifold base of general
type. Special manifolds: second definition by absence of
fibrations of general type.
3) The orbifold version of Iitaka's Conjecture C{n,m}.
Solution when the orbifold base is of general type. The
Core map c, its field of definition. Its conditional
decomposition as c=(J\circ r)n. Extension of Lang-Vojta's
conjectures for arbitrary smooth projective orbifolds
4) Mordell conjecture: orbifold version. Hyperbolic
analogue via Nevanlinna theory. Solution of Lang's
conjectures for some simply-connected surfaces.
Examples of Weakly-special, but non special threefolds.
Description of their Kobayashi pseudometric.
5) The fundamental group. Abelianity conjecture. Solution
for linear representations. Solution under existence of a
Zariski dense entire curve (after K. Yamanoi). Potential
Hilbert Property and specialness. Hyperbolic analogue
(after Corvaja-Zannier).
P. Corvaja.
1) Rational and integral points. Different notions of
integrality, examples.
2) Lang-Vojta conjectures, Siegel's and Faltings'
Theorems. Algebraic groups, S-unit equations.
3) Heights, Vojta's Main Conjecture. Campana's conjecture,
abc conjecture.
4) Diophantine approximation, the Subspace Theorem. Proof
of the S-unit equation theorem.
5) Integral points on curves; a proof of Siegel's theorem.
Some applications to algebraic surfaces.
Aim of Workshop.
The Workshop is intended to discuss the state of the art.
Up to now the following speakers have confirmed their
participation: E. Amerik, A. Cadoret, E. Rousseau, J.
Winkelmann. People interested in delivering a short
communication are kindly requested to submit the title and
an abstract within July 9th to
The School will start on Monday 16th at 13.00 and it will
end on Friday 20th at 13.00. Workshop will start on Friday
20th at 14.30 and it will end on Saturday 21st at 14.00.
On Friday evening a social dinner open to the participants
of the School/Workshop will be organized.
Financial supports for Participants.
There are some grants covering lodging expenses in double
rooms for young participants. Applicants must fill in the
online application form at the web-site
before July, 1st. The organizing committee will examine the applications and will send out notifications of acceptance by July 14th.
Participants who do not require financial support are
expected to fill in the on line registration form at the
before July 29th.
Further announcements.
A third announcement will follow, probably in June.