30 sep 2019 - 4 oct 2019
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We are pleased to announce that the conference The geometry of algebraic varieties, on the occasion of Olivier Debarre's 60th birthday, will take place at CIRM in Luminy, September 30th-October 4th 2019. More details may be found on the website of the conference http://www.math.ens.fr/~benoist/conference.html . Registration is open here : https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2069.html . The deadline for registration is June 30th 2019.
The organization of this event has been made possible thanks to the contributions of CIRM, Collège de France, ERC Grant AlgTateGro, Foundation Compositio, PSL and LIA LYSM.
Best regards,
Olivier Benoist, Zhi Jiang, Claire Voisin