20 jun 2019 - 22 jun 2019
Lehigh University
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2019 Lehigh University Geometry and Topology Conference
Dates: June 20-22, 2019
First Announcement
The conference will start with a first talk at 11:00 am on Thursday, June 20. The last talk will end before noon Saturday, June 22. Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.
Principal Speakers:
Jacob Bernstein (Johns Hopkins University) to be confirmed
Robert Haslhofer (University of Toronto)
Lan-Hsuan Huang (University of Connecticut).
Dan Isaksen (Wayne State University)
Tony Pantev (University of Pennsylvania)
Gabor Szekelyhidi (University of Norte Dame)
In addition, there will be parallel sessions of contributed talks. Contributed talks should fit into the traditional topics of this conference series; Differential, Complex, and Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, and Geometric Topology. Those interested in speaking should submit an abstract of their talk by May 15, 2019.
There will be a USD20 registration fee, which will be waived for students. Continental breakfast will be provided Friday and Saturday mornings. On Friday evening there will be a banquet at a cost of $30 per person. On-campus housing is available at subsidized rates.
The conference is supported by Lehigh University, the Journal of Differential Geometry, and the National Science Foundation. Limited travel support is available for recent PhD's, current graduate students and members of underrepresented groups. Participants interested in being considered for this support should complete the request for travel support form online as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to the applications received before May 15, 2019.
More information will be available at the conference Web site as it becomes available. Please check back from time to time. You can register for the conference on the Web form there. The URL is:
For more information, contact any of the organizers:
Huai-Dong Cao, Donald M. Davis, Andrew Harder, David L. Johnson, Rob Neel, Terry Napier, and Xiaofeng Sun