12 apr 2019 - 16 apr 2019
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Dear colleagues and friends,
we would like to announce the Bayrischzell workshop on "Quantum structure of space-time: Generalized geometry and symmetries" that will take place from 12-16 April 2019 in Bayrischzell, Germany. The meeting focuses on geometric structures and symmetries relevant for the description of quantum space-time.
The aims of the workshop are on the one hand to investigate reduction procedures in Poisson and generalized geometries, promoting a coherent viewpoint on classical and quantum reduction, on the other hand we aim at a deeper understanding of noncommutative/nonassociative as well as higher geometrical structures in the context of string theory, Double Field Theory and Exceptional Field Theory.
Invited speakers include: Peter Bouwknegt, Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Simone Gutt, Olaf Hohm, Catherine Meusburger, Ruben Minasian, Ryszard Nest (TBC), Erik Plauschinn, Pavol Severa, Richard Szabo, Luca Vitagliano, Stefan Waldmann.
For further information, please see our webpage: http://hep.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~miw/bzell2019/.
With kind regards, Paolo Aschieri Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric Chiara Esposito Larisa Jonke Branislav Jurco Michael Wohlgenannt