1 jul 2019 - 5 jul 2019
Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy
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This is the third edition of the school in Geometric Analysis held in 2013 and 2016 at Villa del Grumello within the activities of the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies.
The aim of the school is to introduce Ph.D. students and young researchers to cutting edge ideas and recent techniques in the geometric analysis of both smooth and singular metric measure spaces. The school will consist of 5-6 courses, ranging from 3 to 5 hours each, which will be held by world-leading experts in the field. Lectures will be conducted at the Ph.D level. A few satellite seminars may be devoted to more advanced topics. Some of the students and young researchers attending the school will have the opportunity to give 30-minutes talks presenting their research on themes related to the main topics of the courses. Informal discussions will be strongly encouraged, and specific time slots will be reserved for this important part of the school.
Speakers: Alessandro Carlotto, Camillo De Lellis, Ailana Fraser, Antonio Ros, Stefan Wenger.