8 jul 2019 - 10 jul 2019
Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT), Madrid, Spain
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First Announcement
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce you the thirteenth edition of the ICMAT International Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control that will be held at ICMAT in Madrid, Spain, in July 8-10, 2019. This year's edition is shorter than usual, but you can extend your stay in Madrid by attending the Conference on Challenges in Mathematical Architecture at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, July 10-12, 2019, if you are interested in the scope of the conference.
The school is oriented to young researchers, Ph.D. and postdoctoral students in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering, in particular those interested in symplectic geometry and mathematical physics. This activity consists of three courses (5 hours each) and some short talks and posters by the young participants selected by the scientific committee. The courses will present an up-to-date view of some fundamental issues in the above-mentioned areas and bring to the participants attention some open problems, in particular, problems related to applications. The courses this year are:
Juan Carlos Marrero, Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) and Manuel de León, CSIC, Real Academia de Ciencias, Real Academia Canaria de Ciencias (Spain): Geometry and dynamics of contact manifolds.
Eva Miranda, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain): Geometry and dynamics of b-symplectic manifolds.
Manuel Mazo, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands): Abstractions to exploit the savings of aperiodic control schemes.
This School is an activity partially supported by the ICMAT Severo Ochoa Excellence Program. More information can be found at http://gmcnet.webs.ull.es/?q=activity-detaill/2074
Important dates:
Application for scholarship no later than April 30, 2019.
Abstract submission for poster no later than April 30, 2019.
Registration no later than June 1, 2019.
Accommodation no later than June 1, 2019.
Please send your abstract to gmcschool@icmat.es
Registration form is now available!
Fees The standard registration fee for participants is 120 Euros. The fee for students, postdocs and retired scientists is 60 Euros.
The registration fee includes: conference materials and coffee breaks.
We will really appreciate if you could forward this announcement to whoever might be interested in participating. We apologize if you have received more than one copy of this message.
We hope to see you all in Madrid.
Best regards,
María Barbero David Iglesias (on behalf of the organizing committee).