29 jul 2019 - 2 aug 2019
Leibniz Universität Hannover
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it is our pleasure to announce the summer school on “Moduli and Stability Conditions”, that will take place at Leibniz Universität Hannover, from July 29 to August 2, 2019.
The aim of the school is to introduce young algebraic geometers to recent developments on the area of moduli spaces and stability conditions. The school will consist of the following three courses:
- Stability conditions in families, by Arend Bayer
- Singularities and moduli theory of KSB stable varieties, by Sándor Kovács
- K-stability, Fano and moduli, by Chenyang Xu.
These courses will be complemented by several talks, some of them held by
- Soheyla Feyzbakhsh
- Sönke Rollenske (to be confirmed)
- Zsolt Patakfalvi
The interested participants will have the opportunity to give one of the complementary talks, and there will also be a poster session.
We will try to cover the accomodation for a number of participants (depending on the available funding).
More information on the program and the registration process can be found at
Best regards,
Víctor González-Alonso, Carsten Liese, Victor Lozovanu