8 jul 2019 - 13 jul 2019
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Geometry of Scalar Curvature 2019
Conference and Summer School
in Cortona (Italy), July 8-13, 2019
a classical style conference during the morning sessions, with research talks by experts in the area a working seminar (for younger participants) during the afternoon sessions, based on the recent paper: Mikael Gromov, Metric inequalities with scalar curvature, GAFA 28 (2018), 645-726. We expect younger participants to volunteer to present parts of the article during the conference, the presentation to be prepared in advance. Speakers of the Conference
Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
Christian Bär (Potsdam)
Boris Botvinnik (University of Oregon)
Michael Eichmair (Wien)
Nadine Grosse (Freiburg)
Chao Li (Princeton)
Yugang Shi (Peking)
Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe)
Hang Wang (East China Normal University)
Guoliang Yu (Texas AM)
Weiping Zhang (Nankai University)
Misha Gromov will also try to attend.
Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg),
Paolo Piazza (Roma),
Thomas Schick (Göttingen),
Christina Sormani (City University of New York),
The conference/school is an activity of and sponsored by Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria (SMI) and the Priority Program "Geometry at Infinity" of DFG. Participation. (Apply before March 15)
All participants must be prepared to lead a discussion about some aspect of Gromov’s paper. To apply for participation, send your vita to Paolo Piazza (piazza@mat.uniroma1.it) and include a short statement indicating which sections of the recent paper: Mikael Gromov, Metric inequalities with scalar curvature, GAFA 28 (2018), 645-726 you would be prepared to present. Due to limited capacity, participation is by invitation only. We expect particpants to be willing to actively contribute to the school part, and we give priority to younger researcher. Local expenses will be covered by the school.