25 mar 2019 - 29 mar 2019
Universitat de Barcelona
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We are happy to announce the conference/school
Topics in Complex Dynamics
From combinatorics to transcendental dynamics
taking place at Universitat de Barcelona during March 25-29, 2019. Our aim is to bring together (experienced and junior) researchers in holomorphic dynamics from several different perspectives.
There will be four minicourses given by Misha Lyubich, Han Peters, Lasse Rempe-Gillen, and Pascale Roesch. Additionally there will be lectures and contributed short talks. You can download the poster here.
Information will be regularly updated in the conference webpage http://www.gsd.uab.cat/tcd2019/.
Participants who wish to give a short talk are welcome to submit a title and abstract.
Registration is necessary. For early registration fee you need to register before March 1st. Conference materials, coffee breaks and some lunches are covered.
Please forward this message to anybody who you believe might be interested.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Barcelona.
Kind regards,
Anna Miriam Benini, Jordi Canela, Toni Garijo and Xavier Jarque
(Organizing Committee)
Carsten Petersen, Jasmin Raissy, Phil Rippon and NĂºria Fagella
(Scientific Committee)