17 jun 2019 - 5 jul 2019
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Dear colleagues,
We are organizing a "Summer School" entitled "Foliations and Algebraic Geometry" to be held in Grenoble, from June 17th to June 28th, 2019 followed by a conference from July 1st to July 5th, 2019.
The goal of this school is to train young mathematicians in some of the most active areas of research in algebraic geometry, as well as to promote greater interaction among researchers and students.
The first two weeks will consist of mini-courses covering different aspects of foliations in algebraic geometry. The third week will consist of mini-courses, as well as research talks by leading specialists.
** Online registration will open in March 2019 **
1st week.
C. Gasbarri - Techniques d’algébrisation en géométrie analytique,
formelle, et diophantienne I
V. Heu - Linear complex differential equations
F. Loray - Painlevé equations and isomonodromic deformations I
F. Polizzi - Classification of surfaces via Mori theory
H. Reis - Introduction to holomorphic foliations
2nd week.
J.-B. Bost - Techniques d’algébrisation en géométrie analytique,
formelle, et diophantienne II
S. Diverio - Kobayashi hyperbolicity of complex projective manifolds and
foliations: two examples of interaction
E. Floris - Birational geometry of foliations on surfaces
F. Loray - Painlevé equations and isomonodromic deformations II
G. Meigniez - Introduction to Riemannian Foliations
3rd week.
C. Araujo - Foliations and birational geometry
S. Druel/H. Guenancia/A. Höring - A decomposition theorem for singular
spaces with trivial canonical class
Talks by E. Amerik (to be confirmed) - A. Belotto - G. Binyamini - J.-P. Demailly - B. Deroin - S. Ghazouani - M. Mazzocco - L. Meersseman - J. V. Pereira - F. Touzet
Further information is available on the website
Organizers : Benoît Claudon, Stéphane Druel, Carlo Gasbarri, Andreas Höring, Frank Loray and Erwan Rousseau